With more than 275 applied examples and 10 projects Access users can quickly build database
solutions with ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) perform database tasks with Jet Access Structured
Query Language (SQL) and export import Access data to and from XML both manually and
programmatically. The book which covers the latest release of Access and earlier versions is
divided into five parts: an introduction to VBA programming manipulating databases with ADO
using DDL event programming and using ASP and XML. The text will show you how to write and
debug your programming code with the Visual Basic Editor understand and use common VBA
programming structures such as conditions loops arrays and collections code a 'message box'
and reprogram characteristics of a database and query and manipulate your database from a Web
browser with Active Server Pages (ASP) and many more practical techniques. There are thirty-two
chapters loaded with illustrated hands-on projects and exercises that demonstrate programming
concepts. Each exercise project tells you exactly where to enter code and how to debug it and
then run it. This title includes a comprehensive CD-ROM with tips shortcuts and tutorials. It
is updated for Access 2010 and based on the bestselling editions from previous versions. Store
data for further manipulation in variables arrays and collections write simple and complex
VBA programming routines and functions. Create custom database forms reports and details on
controlling and customizing the Ribbon. Use DAO and ADO methods to access and manipulate
database records (insert update and delete data via code) work with Access database files
in.MDB and.ACCDB formats. Use external data sources with Access (SQL Server flat files Excel
Word and XML) and generate dynamic XML and ASP documents from any Access database and display
data on the Web.