The Text is completly in tibetan language and letters but we cannot copy the text with our
programm. In any highly successful professional life the point is reached as to whether or not
to take it to the next level and become a world class achiever. It is here that the mentor
comes in. The stakes are much higher when the individual is a Dalai Lama the moment when his
nation is facing imminent invasion the perils largely ignored by the rest of the world and
his own life formal education and training scarcely begun. In this personal account Kyabje
Trijang Rinpoche¿-¿the Younger Tutor of His Holiness the current Dalai Lamä-¿tells the story
of his life. It is an eventful and moving life from early on. The rigors of academia in a
Tibetan monastic seat a reincarnate master's training brutal challenges that few in his
status encounter and how he came through them all becoming a rising spiritual master sought
equally by commoners as well as the elite in Lhasa: Kyabje Rinpoche relates all of these and
much more in sober detail. He then recounts how he was given responsibilities as the Junior
Tutor to His Holiness. We become witness to an unusually close and enduring spiritual bond and
deep mutual reverence and affection that develop between the individual and his second mentor.
Few would expect an account of this weight magnitude and sophistication from a Tibetan
trained in pre-1959 Tibet written in mellifluous blend of prose and poetry and in words that
are light measured and at the level of everyday life. The Supplement by Ven. Zemey Rinpoche
from the same original sources continues the narrative from where the original account leaves
off and completes it with the same attention to detail. With archival photos rarely found in
other books this is the definitive account of Kyabje Yongzin Trijang Rinpoche one of the
most influential Tibetans whose life continues to inspire Tibetans and non-Tibetans alike.