This book fills in details that are often left out of modern books on the theory of antennas.
The starting point is a discussion of some general principles that apply to all electronic
systems and to antennas in particular. Just as time domain functions can be expanded in terms
of sine waves using Fourier transforms spatial domain functions can be expanded in terms of
plane waves also using Fourier transforms and K-space gain is the spatial Fourier transform of
the aperture weighting function. Other topics discussed include the Discrete Fourier Transform
(DFT) formulation of antenna gain and what is missing in this formulation the effect of sky
temperature on the often specified G T ratio of antennas sidelobe control using conventional
and novel techniques and ESA digital beamforming versus adaptive processing to limit
interference. Presents content the author derived when first asked to evaluate the performance
of an electronically scanned array under design with manufacturing imperfections and design
limitations Enables readers to understand the firm theoretical foundation of antenna gain even
when they must start from well-known formulations rather than first principles Explains in a
straightforward manner the relationship between antenna gain and aperture area Discusses the
relationship between sidelobe control algorithms and aperture shape how to take advantage of
it and what the penalties are Shows the equivalence of Minimum-Variance Distortionless
Response (MVDR) and Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) and how these algorithms can be used
with ESA subarrays to mitigate interference.