This book continues first one of the same authors ¿Adaptive Image Processing Algorithms for
Printing¿ and presents methods and software solutions for copying and scanning various types of
documents by conventional office equipment offering techniques for correction of distortions
and enhancement of scanned documents techniques for automatic cropping and de-skew approaches
for segmentation of text and picture regions documents classifiers approach for vectorization
of symbols by approximation of their contour by curves methods for optimal compression of
scanned documents algorithm for stitching parts of large originals copy-protection methods by
microprinting and embedding of hidden information to hardcopy algorithmic approach for toner
saving. In addition method for integral printing is considered. Described techniques operate
in automatic mode thanks to machine learning or ingenious heuristics. Most the techniques
presented have a low computational complexity and memory consumption due to they were designed
for firmware of embedded systems or software drivers. The book reflects the authors¿ practical
experience in algorithm development for industrial R&D.