This book analyzes key aspects of Marx's Capital with an eye towards its relevance for an
understanding of issues confronting us in the 21st Century. The contributions to this volume
suggest that while aspects of Marx's original analysis must be adjusted to take into account
changes that have occurred since its initial publication in 1867 his overall perspective
remains necessary for understanding the nature of crises in 21st century. Part I emphasizes the
central concepts Marx employed in Capital including exploitation capital accumulation
commodity fetishism and his use of dialectics as a method for baring the underlying relations
that define capitalism. Parts II and III extend that focus by addressing the concept of value
fictitious capital credit and financialization. Parts IV and V offer analyses of several
concrete manifestations of contemporary crises from national contexts (Europe Latin America
China and the United States). The volume argues that we have to combat the imperatives of
capitalism to move towards a more humane and egalitarian future.