This open access book examines the interactions between Indiäs economic development
agricultural production and nutrition through the lens of a ¿Food Systems Approach (FSA).¿ The
Indian growth story is a paradoxical one. Despite economic progress over the past two decades
regional inequality food insecurity and malnutrition problems persist. Simultaneously recent
trends in obesity along with micro-nutrient deficiency portend to a future public health
crisis. This book explores various challenges and opportunities to achieve a nutrition-secure
future through diversified production systems improved health and hygiene environment and
greater individual capability to access a balanced diet contributing to an increase in overall
productivity. The authors bring together the latest data and scientific evidence from the
country to map out the current state of food systems and nutrition outcomes. They place India
within the context of other developing country experiences and highlight Indiäs status as an
outlier in terms of the persistence of high levels of stunting while following global trends in
obesity. This book discusses the policy and institutional interventions needed for promoting a
nutrition-sensitive food system and the multi-sectoral strategies needed for simultaneously
addressing the triple burden of malnutrition in India.