This book provides insight and expert advice on the challenges of Trust Identity Privacy
Protection Safety and Security (TIPPSS) for the growing Internet of Things (IoT) in our
connected world. Contributors cover physical legal financial and reputational risk in
connected products and services for citizens and institutions including industry academia
scientific research healthcare and smart cities. As an important part of the Women in Science
and Engineering book series the work highlights the contribution of women leaders in TIPPSS
for IoT inspiring women and men girls and boys to enter and apply themselves to secure our
future in an increasingly connected world. The book features contributions from prominent
female engineers scientists business and technology leaders policy and legal experts in IoT
from academia industry and government. Provides insight into women¿s contributions to the
field of Trust Identity Privacy Protection Safety and Security (TIPPSS) for IoT Presents
information from academia research government and industry into advances applications and
threats to the growing field of cybersecurity and IoT Includes topics such as hacking of IoT
devices and systems including healthcare devices identity and access management the issues of
privacy and your civil rights and more