This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of 4 workshops held at the 5th
International Conference on Internet Science St. Petersburg Russia in October 2018: Workshop
1 : Detecting Social Problems in Online Content Workshop 2: CONVERSATIONS Workshop 3: The
Future of Decentralized Governance: A Workshop on Encryption Blockchains and Personal Data
and Workshop 4: Internet as an issue: An international workshop on governmentand media
narratives. The 20 full papers presented together with 4 short papers were carefully reviewed
and selected from 38 submissions. The contributions of the Workshop 1: Detecting Social
Problems in Online Content has united Russian scholars who work upon Russian-language datasets.
Workshop 2: CONVERSATIONS: An international workshop on chatbot research and design regularly
discusses the novel issues in their research and production area. Workshop 3: The Future of
Decentralized Governance: A Workshop on Encryption Blockchains and Personal Data. At this
workshop scholars and industry representatives from France the Netherlands the UK and Russia
have discussed distributed governance technologies based on blockchain and other
privacy-protecting technologies. Workshop 4: Internet as an issue: An international workshop on
government and media narratives took a rare approach and regarded Internet as a focus for
public discussion.