This book presents and describes the various uses of gastric bypass in bariatric and metabolic
surgery and outlines the different techniques currently available. Furthermore the possible
complications with the procedure and ways to avoid them are also discussed. The use of the
gastric bypass for the treatment of diabetes is emphasized and the new indications for the
operative treatment of diabetes are featured in detail. Endoscopic uses concerning the gastric
bypass are also addressed covering preoperative evaluation complications treatment weight
regain treatment and endoscopic treatment of obesity. The most advanced techniques and new
technologies available for performing gastric bypass surgeries are presented in the most
didactic possible way making use of value-added learning features throughout the text.Gastric
Bypass - Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Perspectives is intended as a practical guide for all
those interested and involved with bariatric surgery including general surgeons bariatric
surgeons GI surgeons and surgery residents.