There are many books covering different facets of astrophotography but few of them contain all
the necessary steps for beginners in one accessible place. Astrophotography is Easy! fills that
void serving as a guide to anybody interested in the subject but starting totally from
scratch. Assuming no prior experience the author runs through the basics for how to take
astrophotos using just a camera-including cell phones and tablets-as well as a telescope and
more sophisticated equipment. The book includes proven techniques checklists safety
guidelines troubleshooting tips and more. Each chapter builds upon the last allowing readers
to master basic techniques before moving on to more challenging material. Also included is a
comprehensive list of additional books and resources on a variety of topics so readers can
continue expanding their skills. Astrophotography Is Easy! doesn't simply teach you the basic
skills for becoming an astrophotographer: it provides you with the foundations you will need
for a lifelong pursuit.