This open access book serves as a reference for the key elements and their significance of
Klaus Hasselmann's work on climate science and on ocean wave research all based on a rigorous
and deeply physical thinking. It summarizes the original articles (mostly from the 1970 and
1980s some of which are hard to find nowadays) and brings them in a present-day context. From
1975 until 2000 he was (founding) Director of the Max Planck Institute of Meteorology which
he made to one of the world-leading academic institutions. He first made the issue of
anthropogenic climate change accessible to analysis and prediction and later transformed
climate science into a significant factor in forming public policy. The book is written by
co-workers and colleagues of Klaus Hasselmann who-many under his immediate supervision-joined
him in this effort. With this background they present the key achievements and assess the
significance of these for the present state of knowledge and scientific practice.