This Open Access book aims to find out how and why states in various regions and of diverse
cultural backgrounds fail in their gender equality laws and policies. In doing this the book
maps out states' failures in their legal systems and unpacks the clashes between different
levels and forms of law-namely domestic laws local regulations or the implementation of
international law individually or in combination. By taking off from the confirmation that the
concept of law that is to be used in achieving gender equality is a multidimensional
multi-layered and to an extent contradictory phenomenon this book aims to find out how
different layers of laws interact and how they impact gender equality. Further to that by
including different states and jurisdictions into its analysis this book unravels whether
there are any similarities patterns in how these states define and utilise policies and laws
that harm gender equality. In this way the book contributes to the efforts to devise holistic
and universal policies to address various forms of gender inequalities across the world. This
volume will be of interest to scholars and students in Gender Studies Sociology Law and