This open access book describes Smittestopp the first Norwegian system for digital contact
tracing of Covid-19 infections which was developed in March and early April 2020. The system
was deployed after five weeks of development and was active for a little more than two months
when a drop in infection levels in Norway and privacy concerns led to shutting it down. The
intention of this book is twofold. First it reports on the design choices made in the
development phase. Second as one of the only systems in the world that collected population
data into a central database and which was used for an entire population we can share
experience on how the design choices impacted the system's operation. By sharing lessons
learned and the challenges faced during the development and deployment of the technology we
hope that this book can be a valuable guide for experts from different domains such as big
data collection and analysis application development and deployment in a national population
as well as digital tracing.