This book problematizes digital divide with critical lens by focusing on education in general
and specifically second language education with an emphasis on the context of Turkey based on
sound methodologies and robust theories of modernity postmodernity post-structuralism and
post-method framework. In line with this conceptualization critical thinking skills social
dialogue collaboration accessibility and digital literacy have been widely discussed
empirically and prioritized in this book. In addition social injustice digital inequality
gender gap economic disparity demographic differences and knowledge divide have also been
addressed. EFL teachers and pre-service teachers as cultural workers have been incorporated
into the studies to critically reflect upon digital divide in Turkey. The views of teachers and
learners at a socio-economic disadvantage emanating from socio-political issues have been
addressed and foregrounded. The digital divide and inequalities that COVID-19 pandemic has
produced have also been emphasized. The context of Turkey where digital divide has been
prevalent during COVID-19 pandemic is believed to inspire researchers specializing in
digitalization and digital education. The strategies problems effects and solutions have been
presented. This book presents a reliable source to students teachers and academics in
education and second language education as well as social scientists and policy-makers across
the globe.