This book describes multi-site diversity modelling of induced rain attenuation statistics for
satellite communication systems using copula functions. It gathers all relevant
state-of-the-art knowledge provides the missing pieces and rounds them up in a way that the
reader is given a complete picture of important modelling factors and ways to address them. The
books' main features include: Data post-processing methodology for statistical analysis based
on our Earth-satellite propagation experiments. Two novel multi-site diversity prediction
models based on Gaussian copula considering distance between stations or considering distance
baseline and elevation angle. Two novel multi-site diversity prediction models based on
hyperbolic cosecant copula considering distance between stations or considering distance
baseline and elevation angle. Exhaustive comparative tests and error performance of the
prediction models showing that improved error performance is achieved compared to the ITU R
model and to the state-of-the-art models. The results presented in the book are expected to
contribute to the improvement of the system design and to the further research of modelling the
next generation satellite links at higher frequencies.