This compact book celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of
the Child a critical document that has shaped the relationship of adults with children
worldwide. The document declares that all children must be fed healed protected and given a
safe place in which to develop fully. The brief: provides background information about the
Geneva declaration and the related Convention on the Rights of the Child discusses a child's
rights to human dignity and identifies local and global threats to children's rights as well
as potential safeguards against these threats. Among the topics covered: A Brief History of
Children's Rights Rethinking Healthcare for Children - Pivot to Human Dignity Children's Right
to Health in the US Child Welfare System: A Case Study Global Stakeholders in the Evolution of
the Rights of the Child The Evolution of Global Child Rights: Protecting the Vulnerable is
essential reading for anyone who works with or cares about children to understand the historic
and current context of the rights and role of children within our society including pediatric
healthcare professionals policy makers child welfare professionals and other global
stakeholders on child health.