This book focuses on the individuals who invented specific forms of alternative medicine.
Examples are Hahnemann (homeopathy) Still (osteopathy) Schulz (autogenic training). In total
about 40 such personalities are included in the book. They have all led unusual lives and the
book explores their journey towards their inventions. Certain characteristics seem to emerge:·
They are all male! · Many originated from Europe · Most of them are white · Many gave their
name to the therapy · Many inventions are relatively recent · Many inventors are not doctors ·
Most inventors claim to have found a panacea · Many adhere to vitalistic ideas · Almost all of
the inventors are fully convinced of their invention · Inventions are often based on personal
experience · The inventions tend to be implausible even by the standards of their time The book
explores all these themes and where appropriate contrasts them with the corresponding
situation in conventional medicine.