The editors of this volume organized the symposium Interpreting... Naturally at Universitat
Jaume I (Castellón Spain) in November 2009. They have now compiled some of the most
outstanding work presented at the event by young researchers which is included in this book as
a sequel of Interpreting Naturally. A tribute to Brian Harris. Furthermore the editors have
invited seasoned and renowned academics to contribute to Brian Harris' well deserved homage.
Their contributions mainly deal with natural translation (NT) a notion coined by Brian Harris
to describe untrained bilinguals' ability to translate. The authors seek to further develop NT
by connecting it with related areas: bilingualism and translator competence cultural brokering
language learning and interpreter training interpreting paradigms and training. Furthermore
they discuss norms and directionality in interpreting interpreting quality interpreting in
the public services postgraduate interpreter training and the profession.