It is no longer a matter of debate to state that the practice of 'democracy' in different
African nations is almost always experienced through violence or something near to it. The
principal question addressed by this work is 'Why are many African countries finding it
difficult to practise democracy without tears?' Though this unique work recognises a number of
factors as contributing to the pitiable democratic experience of many African states the
liberal party model of democracy is identified as a major political obstacle which not only
impedes democratisation but also fails to address significant national questions in plural
societies. Instead of acting as an attenuating force the liberal party system tends to
intensify the negative roles of other dependent socio-political variables in instituting and
consolidating democracy in multi-ethnic societies. In light of this this work recommends a
cooperative instead of a competitive method of government formation - a 'Cooperative Collegial
Democracy' - for African societies and any multi-ethnic society. This is a party-less peaceful
and overtly fair political system which is imbued with the qualities needed to resolve national
questions and which constrains the incompetent and corrupt from emerging as political leaders
thus ensuring competent leadership and establishing functional and non-destabilising
democracies in African or other multi-ethnic states.