In this collected edition globalization and its consequences on vocational education systems
are described and at the same time combined with the question of whether new phenomena of
inclusion but also of exclusion are produced. Inclusion and exclusion are differentiations that
predominate in all kinds of (vocational education) systems regardless of their national
background. These terms base on the requirements of the system itself but also on shortages
particularly when supply and demand are dehiscing. Vocational education developed out of the
requirement to integrate large parts of society into a broader or more extended education and
consequently into an economic and social process. Besides the so-called social question
gender- status- and generation-specific characteristics and also the participation in higher
education are under discussion. Depending on each country - this volume features contributions
of Australia Canada China Germany Denmark France Finland Japan Norway Sweden
Switzerland and the USA - this debate generates a different development which is described by
the authors in their different research areas. Collectively a multifaceted overall picture
arises which illustrates the importance of inclusion and exclusion.