Springing out of the Anglican Patristic revival in the seventeenth century this College for
Greek Orthodox students in Oxford enjoyed only a brief existence (1699-1705) but its history
reflects a vigorous strain of ecumenical activity and theological conviction continuing to the
present day. This volume collects the papers from the conference held in 2001 at Worcester
College Oxford celebrating the three hundredth anniversary of the Greek College. The
engagement between Anglicanism and Orthodoxy reveals not only the common foundations in
Scripture and the Fathers on which they stand but also the divergent expressions of that shared
tradition shaped as each church has been by the contingencies of history. Relations between
Anglicans and Orthodox did not stop at discussion on Biblical and Patristic theology. The
papers in this collection encompass high and low politics educational theory and practice
architecture liturgy ecumenism as well as cultural imperialism and protectionism. Also
included in this collection are documents related to the history of the College among them
translations of original publications previously available only in Greek. Here is to be found
hope that in a better understanding of their own as well as one another's traditions Anglicans
and Orthodox may with greater confidence continue to work together towards rediscovering the
unity of the Church.