Modern developments in both science and history challenge us to a far greater degree of
empiricism than has been traditionally considered necessary in the study of theology. Any
attempt to move in this direction can be significantly helped by Bernard Lonergan's
breakthrough discovery of the notion of functional specialties in 1965. The strategy of this
book is to make use of this discovery and provide a theological reflection on mission
appropriate to the present age. The author begins with an insight available from biblical
research but absent from current theologies of mission. This is the general recognition that
the texts concerning a universal mission are in fact an instance of retrojection. Building on
this through an interpretation of Lonergan's functional specialties of interpretation and
history he unfolds the startling implications for grasping the central creative significance
of the 'word of God'. As the argument transfers from one specialty to the next it moves
towards ever-richer empiricism culminating in the specialty of communications. Here the
creativity which will be needed to address faithfully the message of Jesus to our contemporary
world in all its complexity becomes apparent.