Aristotle has been continuously at the frontier of philosophical reflection for almost 2400
years. Throughout the 20th century the influence of his practical philosophy has been growing.
His «non-modernist» concept of phrónêsis or practical wisdom is attracting increasing interest
as an alternative to both «modernism» and «post-modernism». This book is a meticulous study of
Aristotle's phrónêsis and its applications to the fields of personal development or character
formation and of ethical virtues. It also relates phrónêsis to the wider context of Aristotle's
theoretical philosophy and of his different ways of knowing and to both theoretical and
practical concerns within modern social and action research. The whole of Aristotle's thinking
is radically practice-based and directed. However it never loses its theoretical focus. His
theoretical philosophy is fundamentally dialogical. Hence the relevance of Aristotelian
thinking is striking for the current reconfigurations in the social organisation of learning
and knowledge production.