Kant's critical philosophy is rife with conflicting and aporetic doctrines. Amongst several
difficult doctrines one of the most salient and obscure discussions surrounds Kant's view of
the imagination Einbildungskraft. One finds Kant's initial discussion of the imagination in
the section entitled the Transcendental Deduction in his Critique of Pure Reason by Kant's own
admission the section that cost him the most labor.Instrumental in these most critical
passages is Kant's discussion of the imagination but due to revisions and emendations and a
seeming change in doctrine from the 1st to the 3rd Critique Kant's considered view of the
imagination remains unclear. Many scholars eschew the discussion altogether considering it
arcana of an obsolete faculty pyschology. Even prominent Kant scholars have typically
overlooked or marginalized pivotal sections in Kant's works in order to avoid dealing with this
issue. Recently however a new interest in the imagination has resurfaced.This volume is a
collection of essays that addresses the many uses of imagination throughout Kant's entire
critical corpus and intends to gain a better understanding of this lacuna.