The goal of sustainable development is to meet the socio-economic and environmental objectives
without comprising the needs of future generations. Since the Rio Summit of 1992 the concept
of sustainability has captured our imaginations and aspirations and efforts to develop its
indicators have increased. A range of sustainability indicators have been developed within
various socio-economic environmental and cultural contexts- including biodiversity economy
energy water land use and transport. Sustainability indicators are widespread in
international development arena. They have become popularized among governments
non-governmental organizations private sector and the wider public. Based on multiple cases
across the world this book explores opportunities and challenges associated with the practical
application of sustainability indicators. The book reflects diversity of professionals of
inter-disciplinary backgrounds covering contemporary issues within different socio-economic and
environmental contexts. Each chapter presents practical examples of the merits and challenges
of using sustainability indicators and draws conclusions and lessons learned. The book targets
a range of audience from students academics to development practitioners and policy-makers.
The two editors of this book: Dr. Agnieszka Ewa Latawiec and Dr. Dorice Agol are
inter-disciplinary scientists who both have experience in research at the environmental
conservation and development nexus.