The much-acclaimed present-day philosophical turn to the letters of Saint Paul points to a
profound consonance between ancient and modern thought. Such is the bold claim of this study in
which scholars from contemporary continental philosophy new testamentary studies and ancient
philosophy discuss with each other the meaning Paul's terms pistis faith. In this volume this
theme discusses in detail the threefold relation between Paul and (1) continental thought (2)
the Graeco-Roman world and (3) political theology. It is shown that pistis does not only
concern a mode of knowing but rather concerns the human ethos or mode of existence as a whole.
Moreover it is shown that the present-day political theological interest in Paul can be seen
as an attempt to recuperate Paul's pistis in this comprehensive sense. Finally an important
discussion concerning the specific ontological implications and background of this
reinterpretation of pistis is examined by comparing the ancient ontological commitments to
those of the present-day philosophers. Thus the volume offers an insight in a crucial
consonance of ancient and modern thought concerning the question of pistis in Paul while not
forgetting to stipulate important differences.