In the field of second language (L2) acquisition the number of studies focusing on L2
pronunciation instruction and perceptual production training has increased as new classroom
methodologies have been proposed and new goals for L2 pronunciation have been set. This book
brings together different approaches to L2 pronunciation research in the classroom or in the
language laboratory. 13 chapters written by well-known researchers focusing on a variety of
first and target languages are divided into four parts: Pronunciation development and
intelligibility: implications for teaching and training studies L2 pronunciation teaching L2
pronunciation training: implications for the classroom and Pronunciation in the laboratory:
High Variability Phonetic Training. Intended for researchers in the fields of second language
acquisition phonetics phonology psycholinguistics speech therapies speech technology as
well as second language teaching this book not only summarizes the current research questions
on L2 pronunciation teaching and training but also predicts future scenarios for both
researchers and practitioners in the field.