Profit from a wealth of German tradition extended by North-American experience in the usage
of herbal medicine.There is a herbal remedy for most ailments - and you will find the most
important ones in this concise pocket guide. Co-authored by Karin Kraft one of the members of
the German Commission E and supervising editor of the ESCOP and Christopher Hobbs one of the
most highly regarded herbal practitioners in the US this handy pocket guide gives you the
decisive facts about important medicinal herbs taking into consideration both major European
monographs (Commission E and ESCOP) and up-to-date clinical trials.This practice-oriented guide
to herbal medicine includes: Plant summaries of more than 100 herbs Herbal treatment of
specific diseases (from heart failure to menopausal complaints) Practical applications
including phyto-balneotherapy compresses poultices etc. Plant glossaries English-Latin