Profit from a wealth of experience in interactions with your patients! The Patient-Practitioner
Relationship in Acupuncture is written for acupuncturists and practitioners in the fields of
alternative medicine searching for: - effective ways of connecting better with their patients
in all their diversity and- the skills necessary to guide patients through emotional
psychological and spiritual difficulties as part of the healing process. Dr. Hammer bases his
work on the universally accepted and fundamental role the therapeutic relationship plays in the
practitioner's ability to heal and his lifelong observation that both the patient and the
practitioner benefit from this vital relationship. Drawing from his long and extensive personal
and professional experiences and writing in an easily understandable and at times anecdotal
style the author avoids psychological jargon as much as possible. The material is presented
independent to pathology and is organized into two parts: The first part outlines the basic
tenets of the therapeutic relationship and the second main part presents individual
issue-oriented chapters addressing the varied life situations personalities and emotional
reactions with which the acupuncturist or practitioner is confronted in everyday practice. Let
this handy reference become your constant and reliable companion on your path to: - enhancing
your propensity and innate talents to heal - improving your therapeutic skills within the scope
of your practice and- gaining confidence in your interactions with your patients.