This volume is the first in a planned edition of the complete corpus of ancient Mesopotamian
god lists. It contains the lists An = Anum (including its forerunners) and An = Anu sa am li
along with several similar more-or-less fragmentary lists. The god list An = Anum was with
its ca. 2000 entries the most comprehensive list of its kind. It is systematically organized
and contains explanations both of individual deities and of certain groups of deities. The
textual witnesses also provide to a varying degree pronunciation and translation glosses. In
this edition each list is presented as a composite reconstructed text with translation
critical apparatus and synoptic table of the textual witnesses followed in each case by a
philological commentary. In addition the textual witnesses are transliterated individually.
Names words and glosses are made accessible through detailed indexes. Hand copies and
photographs of previously unpublished sources conclude the volume.