This Brief looks at the illustrative case of the Hindu-Muslim conflict in India with the aim
of understanding the dynamics of lived secularism as it exists in traditional multi-faith
societies such as India. The data analyzed in this Brief comprise many interviews conducted
amidst Hindus and Muslims with respondents of both sexes living in slum and middle class
regions in the city of Mumbai. The volume begins by giving a brief summary of the historical
and cultural background to the present situation in India. It then traces complementarities and
similarities of opinions across diverse constituencies which cluster around three main
anchoring points: communication re-presentations and operationalizing of a shared dream. The
first point explores the need to understand and to be understood encourages processes of
mutual acculturation and describes the sensitive decoding of cultural symbols such as dress
codes. The second point discusses changes in mind sets and mutual perceptions where Muslims
and Islam are portrayed in a balanced way and exploitation of religion for political purposes
is stopped. The third main point is the involvement of the common regular person and a focus
on children as the unifying hope for the future. Throughout the volume emphasis is on moral
maturation cultural interpretation in lieu of cultural imposition and creation of a sensitive
media policy. The issues raised may help craft interdisciplinary and international frameworks
which address conflict resolution in culturally diverse multi-faith societies. Accordingly the
book concludes with policy recommendations for supporting the peaceful coexistence of
secularism and religion in society from a peace psychological perspective