Increased production of energy from renewable sources leads to a need for both new and enhanced
capacities for energy transmission and intermediate storage. The book first compares different
available storage options and then introduces the power-to-gas concept in a comprehensive
overview of the technology. The state of the art advancements and future requirements for
both water electrolysis and methanation are described. The integration of renewable hydrogen
and methane into the gas grid is discussed in terms of the necessary technological measures to
be taken. Because the power-to-gas system is very flexible providing numerous specific
applications for different targets within the energy sector possible business models are
presented on the basis of various process chains taking into account different plant scales and
operating scenarios. The influence of the scale and the type of the integration of the
technology into the existing energy network is highlighted with an emphasis on economic
consequences. Finally legal aspects of the operation and integration of the power-to-gas
system are discussed.