The book is a collection of contributions devoted to analytical numerical and experimental
techniques of dynamical systems presented at the International Conference on Dynamical
Systems: Theory and Applications held in Lódz Poland on December 2-5 2013. The studies give
deep insight into both the theory and applications of non-linear dynamical systems emphasizing
directions for future research. Topics covered include: constrained motion of mechanical
systems and tracking control diversities in the inverse dynamics singularly perturbed ODEs
with periodic coefficients asymptotic solutions to the problem of vortex structure around a
cylinder investigation of the regular and chaotic dynamics rare phenomena and chaos in power
converters non-holonomic constraints in wheeled robots exotic bifurcations in non-smooth
systems micro-chaos energy exchange of coupled oscillators HIV dynamics homogenous
transformations with applications to off-shore slender structures novel approaches to a
qualitative study of a dissipative system chaos of postural sway in humans oscillators with
fractional derivatives controlling chaos via bifurcation diagrams theories relating to
optical choppers with rotating wheels dynamics in expert systems shooting methods for
non-standard boundary value problems automatic sleep scoring governed by delay differential
equations isochronous oscillations the aerodynamics pendulum and its limit cycles
constrained N-body problems nano-fractal oscillators and dynamically-coupled dry friction.