Very little has been published on optimization of pharmaceutical portfolios. Moreover most of
published literature is coming from the commercial side where probability of technical success
(PoS) is treated as fixed and not as a consequence of development strategy or design. In this
book there is a strong focus on impact of study design on PoS and ultimately on the value of
portfolio. Design options that are discussed in different chapters are dose-selection
strategies adaptive design and enrichment. Some development strategies that are discussed are
indication sequencing optimal number of programs and optimal decision criteria.This book
includes chapters written by authors with very broad backgrounds including financial clinical
statistical decision sciences commercial and regulatory. Many authors have long held
executive positions and have been involved with decision making at a product or at a portfolio
level. As such it is expected that this book will attract a very broad audience including
decision makers in pharmaceutical R&D commercial and financial departments. The intended
audience also includes portfolio planners and managers statisticians decision scientists and
clinicians.Early chapters describe approaches to portfolio optimization from big Pharma and
Venture Capital standpoints. They have stronger focus on finances and processes. Later chapters
present selected statistical and decision analysis methods for optimizing drug development
programs and portfolios. Some methodological chapters are technical however with a few
exceptions they require a relatively basic knowledge of statistics by a reader.