The purpose of this book is to assess the potential effects of biotechnological approaches
particularly genetic modification on biodiversity and the environment. All aspects of
biodiversity such as ecological diversity species diversity and genetic diversity are
considered. Higher organisms contain a specific set of linear DNA molecules called chromosomes
and a complete set of chromosomes in an organism comprises its genome. The collection of traits
displayed by any organism (phenotype) depends on the genes present in its genome (genotype).
The appearance of any specific trait also will depend on many other factors including whether
the gene(s) responsible for the trait is are turned on (expressed) or off the specific cells
within which the genes are expressed and how the genes their expression and the gene products
interact with environmental factors. The primary biotechnology which concerns us is that of
genetic manipulation which has a direct impact on biodiversity at thegenetic level. By these
manipulations novel genes or gene fragments can be introduced into organisms (creating
transgenics) or existing genes within an organism can be altered. Transgenics are a major area
of concern combining genes from different species to effectively create novel organisms.
Current rates of disappearance of biological and cultural diversity in the world are
unprecedented. Intensive resource exploitation due to social and economic factors has led to
the destruction conversion or degradation of ecosystems. Reversing these trends requires time
to time assessment to integrate conservation and development.