This book focuses on the creation of space as an activity. The argument draws not only on
aspects of movement in time but also on a cultural and specifically social context influencing
the creation of the spatial habitus. The book reconsiders existing theories of time and space
in the field of urban planning and develops an updated account of spatial activity experience
and space-making. Recent developments in spatial practice specifically related to new
technologies make this an important and timely task. Integrating spatial-temporal dynamics
into the way we think about cities aids the implementation of sustainable forms of urban
planning. The study is composed of two different case studies. One case is based on fieldwork
tracking individual movement using GPS the other case utilises data mined from Twitter. One of
the key elements in the conclusion to this book is the definition of temporality as a status
rather than a transition. It is argued that through repetitive practices as habitus time has
presence and agency in our everyday lives. This book is based on the work undertaken for a PhD
at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis and was and accepted as thesis by University
College London in 2013.