What are the possibilities for process mining in hospitals? In this book the authors provide an
answer to this question by presenting a healthcare reference model that outlines all the
different classes of data that are potentially available for process mining in healthcare and
the relationships between them. Subsequently based on this reference model they explain the
application opportunities for process mining in this domain and discuss the various kinds of
analyses that can be performed. They focus on organizational healthcare processes rather than
medical treatment processes. The combination of event data and process mining techniques allows
them to analyze the operational processes within a hospital based on facts thus providing a
solid basis for managing and improving processes within hospitals. To this end they also
explicitly elaborate on data quality issues that are relevant for the data aspects of the
healthcare reference model.This book mainly targets advanced professionals involved in areas
related to business process management business intelligence data mining and business
process redesign for healthcare systems as well as graduate students specializing in healthcare
information systems and process analysis.