Tingyue Gu's second edition provides a comprehensive set of nonlinear multicomponent liquid
chromatography (LC) models for various forms of LC such as adsorption size exclusion
ion-exchange reversed-phase affinity isocratic gradient elution and axial radial flow LC.
Much has advanced since the first edition of this book and the author's software described
here is now used for teaching and research in 32 different countries. This book comes together
with a complete software package with graphical user interface for personal computers offered
free for academic applications. Additionally this book provides detailed methods for parameter
estimation of mass transfer coefficients bed voidage particle porosity and isotherms. The
author gives examples of how to use the software for predicitons and scale-up. In contrast to
the first edition authors do not need to deal with complicated math. Instead they focus on
how to obtain a few parameters for simulation and how to compare simulation results with
experimental data. After reading the detailed descriptions in the book a reader is able to use
the simulation software to investigate chromatographic behavior without doing actual
experiments. This book is aimed at readers who are interested in learning about LC behaviors
and at those who want to scale up LC for preparative- and large-scale applications. Both
academic personnel and industrial practitioners can benefit from the use of the book. This new
edition includes: - New models and software for pellicular (cored) beads in liquid
chromatography- Introduction of user-friendly software (with graphical user interface)-
Detailed descriptions on how to use the software - Step-by-step instructions on parameter
estimation for the models- New mass-transfer correlations for parameter estimation-
Experimental methods for parameter estimation- Several actual examples using the model for
product development and scale-up- Updated literature review