This pocket manual is a quick-reference handbook for general thoracic surgery. It is organized
into 9 chapters providing a concise yet inclusive list of the most common pathologies seen in
thoracic surgery: pre-operative evaluation peri-operative care lungs and airways (divided
into 3 separate sections to cover the vast number of topics) pleural disorders mediastinal
disorders chest wall disorders thoracic trauma and benign and malignant esophageal
disorders. The content of each chapter was specifically structured to make the handbook a
high-yield reference that includes numerous management algorithms flow diagrams tables and
images. Unlike a comprehensive textbook paragraphs are kept at a minimum and the written
material is presented using lists and bullet points to facilitate learning and retention. More
importantly the content is evidence-based and highlights the various controversies in the
field. The Pocket Manual of General Thoracic Surgery is an irreplaceable educational tool
amongst trainees and practicing physicians.