These volumes constitute the Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Soft Computing
Applications or SOFA 2014 held on 24-26 July 2014 in Timisoara Romania. This edition was
organized by the University of Belgrade Serbia in conjunction with Romanian Society of Control
Engineering and Technical Informatics (SRAIT) - Arad Section The General Association of
Engineers in Romania - Arad Section Institute of Computer Science Iasi Branch of the Romanian
Academy and IEEE Romanian Section. The Soft Computing concept was introduced by Lotfi Zadeh in
1991 and serves to highlight the emergence of computing methodologies in which the accent is on
exploiting the tolerance for imprecision and uncertainty to achieve tractability robustness
and low solution cost. Soft computing facilitates the use of fuzzy logic neurocomputing
evolutionary computing and probabilistic computing in combination leading to the concept of
hybrid intelligent systems. The combination of such intelligent systems tools and a large
number of applications introduce a need for a synergy of scientific and technological
disciplines in order to show the great potential of Soft Computing in all domains. The
conference papers included in these proceedings published post conference were grouped into
the following area of research: · Image Text and Signal Processing Intelligent Transportation
Modeling and Applications Biomedical Applications Neural Network and Applications
Knowledge-Based Technologies for Web Applications Cloud Computing Security Algorithms and
Computer Networks Knowledge-Based Technologies Soft Computing Techniques for Time Series
Analysis Soft Computing and Fuzzy Logic in Biometrics Fuzzy Applications Theory and Fuzzy
Control Business Process Management Methods and Applications in Electrical Engineering The
volumes provide useful information to professors researchers and graduated students in area of
soft computing techniques and applications as they report new research work on challenging