Amateur astronomers who have been disappointed by the results of an observing session can take
comfort in the guidance of this book which advises how to still gain useful experience in
seemingly failed nights at the telescope. In a world with imperfect seeing conditions
incredible observing sessions are often mixed with less inspiring ones discouraging the
amateur observer. This book is designed to minimize subsequent disappointment for astronomers
who encounter a few bad observing sessions helping novice observers take something worthwhile
away each and every time they go out under the night sky regardless of the observations that
were originally planned. Almost every observer remembers his first sight of ringed Saturn
hanging in the blackness of space. Practitioners agree that there is something special about
visual observing. Real-time observations at the eyepiece can provide fleeting yet intense
feelings that connect us with the universe in unique ways. But when expectations aren't met at
the eyepiece there are other ways to profit from the practice of astronomy. These rewards
though less showy are well worth cultivating. This is a book that will help the reader see
what constitutes a successful visual observing session. It explains the nature of the objects
that the observer is seeing and advises how best to use their equipment. There are many hints
and tips about how best to locate recall and record observations including suggestions for
trips to areas where there are dark skies and to public observatories. Amateur astronomy is a
journey from the urban backyard all the way to dark rural skies and with this guide the
journey can be smooth.