In the age of urban geopolitics in cooperation with the major city networks and initiatives
interconnected coastal cities lead towards a more resilient sustainable future. This book
raises global awareness on the challenges and opportunities for coastal cities and the myriad
of issues and stakeholders which impact them.The book offers a panoramic integrated view of the
most critical urban coastal sustainability issues shaping the urban horizon of the future.
Drawing on the most authoritative studies and asking further questions the book embraces
issues of smart sustainable and inclusive blue green growth active social integration
environmental conscience and resilience food energy and resource security exploration and
protection of the global ocean ecosystem-based urban coastal planning and policy and progress
in education and science culture and the arts coastal urban renaissance and accountable
multi-layered governance.From large global ports to small tourism and fishing resorts
sustainable development calls for coastal cities to improve their functions. Coastal cities
need to adopt ecosystem-based approaches to manage the land-sea continuum invest in blue green
energy and mobility attract responsible business investment and honour the sea as a source of
infinite innovation and culture.