This book reviews all the major research accomplishments and summarizes the different
applications of radon. It serves as a solid reference book for researchers who are interested
in the U-series radionuclides and noble gases as tracers and chronometers. Radon has been
widely utilized as a powerful tracer to quantify a number of processes that include gas
exchange rates between air and water submarine groundwater discharge in coastal waters water
exchange between rivers and lakes ocean circulation hydrocarbon and uranium exploration. It
is also used as an atmospheric tracer for the identification and quantification of air masses
and as a tool for earthquake prediction etc. A significant portion of the book presents
state-of-the knowledge on indoor-radon-related health issues. Applications of the decay-series
of Rn-222 are presented in a chapter. It serves as a reference and a state-of-the-art resource
for researchers who want to learn the different applications of radon in Earth systems.