The present book reveals the importance of preventive medicine in cardiology and public health
addressing the lack of a broad discussion of this topic in the current literature. It examines
the most important risk factors for different cardiovascular diseases discussing them in
detail from a clinical standpoint and presenting important information from a preventive
medicine perspective. Further specific chapters discuss the burden of cardiologic risk factors
in special contexts such as in women child and adolescents and in low-income populations.
Lastly a number of conditions that are often overlooked in terms of their cardiological impact
are discussed such as Chagas disease rheumatic cardiomyopathy and post-traumatic stress
disorder. Cardiovascular diseases are still the major cause of death in the world even though
they are considered preventable clinical conditions. The increased prevalence of some risk
factors for cardiovascular diseases is an important concern for cardiologists around the world.
On the other hand primary prevention programs have proven their efficacy concerning some known
and treatable risk factors such as with hypercholesterolemia hypertension diabetes and
smoking but still need to be made more of a priority in public health. Prevention of
Cardiovascular Diseases is a book intended for multi-disciplinary audience and aimed for all
professionals who are willing to face the challenge of cardiovascular prevention