Thisfundamental guide on programmatic advertising explains in detail how automated data-driven
advertisingreally works in practice and how the right adoption leads to a competitive advantage
foradvertisers agencies and media. The new way of planning steering and measuring marketing
maystill appear complex and threatening but promising at once to most decision makers.
Thiscollaborative compendium combines proven experience and best practice in 22 articleswritten
by 45 renowned experts from all around the globe. Among them Dr. Florian Heinemann Project-A
Peter Würtenberger Axel-Springer Deirdre McGlashan MediaCom Dr. MarcGrether Xaxis Michael
Lamb MediaMath Carolin Owen IPG Stefan Bardega Zenith Arun Kumar Cadreon Dr. Ralf Strauss
Marketingverband Jonathan Becher SAP and many more great minds.