This book offers comprehensive coverage of biomarker biosensor interactions for the rapid
detection of weapons of bioterrorism as well as current research trends and future
developments and applications. It will be useful to researchers in this field who are
interested in new developments in the early detection of such. The authors have collected very
valuable and in some aspects indispensable experience in the area i.e. in the development and
application of portable biosensors for the detection of potential hazards. Most efforts are
centered on the development of immunochemical assays including flow-lateral systems and
engineered antibodies and their fragments. In addition new approaches to the detection of
enzyme inhibitors direct enzymatic and microbial detection of metabolites and nutrients are
elaborated. Some realized prototypes and concept devices applicable for the further use as a
basis for the cooperation programs are also discussed.There is a particular focus on
electrochemical and optical detection systems including those employing carbon nanotubes
quantum dots and metalnanoparticles. The authors are well-known scientists and most of them are
editors of respected international scientific journals. Although recently developed biosensors
utilize known principles the biosensing devices described can significantly shorten the time
required for successful detection and enhance efforts in more time-consuming directions e.g.
remote sensing systems and validation in real-sample analysis.The authors describe advances in
all stages of biosensor development: theselection of biochemical components their use in
biosensor assembly detection principles and improvements and applications for real sample