This bookconstitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conferenceon
E-Business and Telecommunications ICETE 2015 held in Colmar France inJuly 2015. ICETE is a
joint international conference integrating four majorareas of knowledge that are divided into
six corresponding conferences:International Conference on Data Communication Networking DCNET
InternationalConference on E-Business ICE-B International Conference on OpticalCommunication
Systems OPTICS International Conference on Security andCryptography SECRYPT International
Conference on Wireless InformationSystems WINSYS and International Conference on Signal
Processing andMultimedia SIGMAP. The 23 fullpapers presented together with an invited paper in
this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 218 submissions. Thepapers cover the
following key areas of e-business and telecommunications: datacommunication networking
e-business optical communication systems securityand cryptography signal processing and
multimedia applications wirelessinformation networks and systems.