This volume is dedicated to the career of Jill Adler and the role she has played in growing
mathematics education research in South Africa Africa and beyond. Her work epitomises what is
referred to as the 'engaged scholar': i.e. doing rigorous and theoretically rich research at
the cutting edge of international work in the field which at the same time contributes to
critical areas of local and regional need in education. Jill is one of the world's leading
experts in mathematics education research and her exemplary career is a continuous source of
inspiration for generations of researchers and students. The chapters in this volume are
authored by Jill's former PhD students a few select colleagues from different parts of the
world that she collaborated with as well as leading scholars who she worked with in PME ICMI
and in her many international assignments. In essence this volume celebrates Jill's
contribution not only to mathematics education but also to our contributions as her friends and
colleagues. Topics covered include language and mathematics teacher education and the dilemma
of an activist researcher engaging in issues that matter hugely to the participants in the
research students and teachers in post-apartheid schooling whilst also setting up the
separation that is needed for good research.