This book traces the development of coping from birth to emerging adulthood by building a
conceptual and empirical bridge between coping and the development of regulation and
resilience. It offers a comprehensive overview of the challenges facing the developmental study
of coping including the history of the concept critiques of current coping theories and
research and reviews of age differences and changes in coping during childhood and
adolescence. It integrates multiple strands of cutting-edge theory and research including work
on the development of stress neurophysiology attachment emotion regulation and executive
functions.In addition chapters track how coping develops starting from birth and following
its progress across multiple qualitative shifts during childhood and adolescence. The book
identifies factors that shape the development of coping focusing on the effects of underlying
neurobiological changes social relationships and stressful experiences. Qualitative shifts
are emphasized and explanatory factors highlight multiple entry points for the diagnosis of
problems and implementation of remedial and preventive interventions.Topics featured in this
text include:Developmental conceptualizations of coping such as action regulation under
stress.Neurophysiological developments that underlie age-related shifts in coping.How coping is
shaped by early adversity temperament and attachment.How parenting and family factors affect
the development of coping. The role of coping in the development of psychopathology and
resilience.The Development of Coping is a must-have resource for researchers professors and
graduate students as well as clinicians and related professionals in developmental clinical
child and school psychology public health counseling personality and social psychology and
neurophysiological psychology as well as prevention and intervention science.