This is an updated edition of the book by the same author: Plio-Quaternary volcanism in Italy -
Petrology geochemistry geodynamics published in 2005 by Springer. This edition has the same
structure as the previous publication with a general introduction various chapters dedicated
to different volcanic provinces in Italy and a final chapter on the relationships between
magmatism and geodynamics. It includes information that has become available in the last ten
years and new chapters have been added offering detailed discussions of the Oligo-Miocene
orogenic volcanism on Sardinia and of some small outcrops of fragmented volcanic rocks
occurring in several places of the Apennines. This new edition now covers the entire Tyrrhenian
Sea magmatism of the last 40 Ma. Lastly it includes two appendices: Appendix 1 reports on a
comparison between the Tyrrhenian Sea volcanism and the partially coeval magmatism along the
Alps and adjoining areas and has the objective of highlighting similarities and difference that
can tell us much on geodynamics and magmatism between the converging plates of Europe and
Africa. Appendix 2 is an update of the 2005 edition appendix and deals with classification of
orogenic rocks with special emphasis on potassic alkaline volcanics.